Our fellow Monica fans, Maria & Sara, had the pleasure of meeting Monica Seles at the Masters Series in Rome, Italy on Saturday, May 14, 2011. Monica also received The Racchetta d’Oro (The Golden Racquet) Award while in Rome. Maria & Sara were kind enough to share their experience and photos with us! We all owe Maria & Sara a big THANK YOU for taking the time to share their experience with us all! The following is an excerpt from the email we received from them:
Last Saturday I had the chance to meet her again in Rome where she was awarded with The Golden Racket Award during the Master Series Tournament. My friends and I have followed and supported her in Rome in 2000 and 2003, maybe you remember guys giving her roses after winning the title in 2000! Well last Saturday we knew she was going to be there and we tried to meet her again. We were successful! Monica was surprised because she recognized us and didn’t expect to find us again after 8 years with our flags, support, and love! She was, as you know, simply lovely with us. She chatted, signed autographs on photos and books and made a nice picture together. It’s something we will never forget and will stay forever in our hearts! And she is really in great shape! My friends and I would like to share some beautiful pictures of this meeting with Monica, so we want to ask if you want to receive the photos by e-mail and then upload on the site. This is our present to you as you have been one of the best news providers we have had throughout Monica’s career and on. Monica – a great tennis champion, a fantastic human being, and a marvelous woman who still make our hearts beat.
Sara & Maria